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JWCC women’s soccer on hiatus for one season

JWCC women’s soccer on hiatus for one season

JWCC women's soccer on hiatus for one season

September 5, 2023


John Wood Community College has announced the women's soccer team will be on hiatus for the 2023-2024 season. The program will resume in 2024.

"This is an unfortunate reality and a decision that was incredibly tough to make. Our commitment to women's soccer on our campus is the same as it was when we decided to add it to our department in the Winter of 2017." said Athletic Director Brad Hoyt. "This has nothing to do with our standing within the region or the NJCAA. Student-athlete safety due to low roster size became too much of a risk for our short term and long-term success. We have every intent in using this pause to reevaluate our women's soccer program to provide a great student-athlete experience moving forward.'

Student-athletes interested in being recruited for the fall 2024 women's soccer team or other sports offered at John Wood Community College should reach out to Director of Athletics, Brad Hoyt at or visit